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EVA POE EPE solar film machine new installed

The first half of 2023, gwell has made more than 200 EVA lines for domestic market, the China solar industry is growing so fast, due to price decrease of silicon material, all solar industry are booming. 

Also EVA resin price is going down sharply, the cost of solar panel is decreasing so much, everything shows that investing in solar seems a very good future, many companies who has no background in solar also become interested in solar recently, of course the main players of EVA film production they are more active in the market, all of them have increased their capacity, at least 20 lines or even more lines are ordered.

Hopefully by end of 2023, there can be more than 300 lines in total this year. 




Contact: David Dai

Phone: +86 15906228622

E-mail: [email protected]

Whatsapp:+86 15906228622

Add: NO.16 Donglin Industry Park, Taicang,Jiangsu Province, China